Media Reponses (March)


Gympie Times: 18 March – Mary Street


Why did council open up Mary Street?


The decision to open up Mary Street was based on the need to balance the interests of businesses which were still operational with the traders who were inundated with flood water.

David Lewis Acting CEO Gympie Regional Council


Gympie Times: 21 March  – Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy


Does the council have an official number on what it expects sea levels along the coast will rise to by 2050 and 2100?


Council adopted its Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy last month.

The Cooloola Coast – Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy considers State mapping for erosion prone areas and predicted storm tide inundation zones and has been updated for the full coastline. These updates have been based on the best available technical data. The coastal hazard assessment has followed a leading practice approach.

Future planning takes into consideration sea level rise predictions of 0.8m by 2100.


What programs are in place to help the region mitigate any potential impact? And what's in the pipeline? Is there any other comment the council would like to make?



Council’s Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy has identified areas of potential impact from sea level rise, has allocated potential impact timeframes and outlined actions and investigation to be undertaken to mitigate impacts of sea level rise over these timeframes.

Council is working in conjunction with other local coastal councils that are facing similar challenges to consolidate actions and share mitigation strategies and successful project outcomes.

Adrian Burns. Director, Community Sustainability.