Building a Resilient Region

What is Building a Resilient Region? In the simplest terms it’s our commitment to the community. Council is committed to building and fostering a resilient community. Over the next few years we will be working in areas of community development, creative recovery and infrastructure to better strengthen our region against future disaster events.

To assist the community in differentiating between ‘business as usual’ and ‘restoration works’ council have launched the Building a Resilient Region branding. You may see this branding on construction signage, vehicles and community projects.

Building a Resilient Region

A Resilient Community 

The Gympie region community has incredible and dedicated teams of volunteers working behind the scenes to help build resilience, disaster preparedness and recovery.

Working together we are building a resilient region!

State Emergency Services Gympie

Salvation Army Gympie

Check out our current and future projects below:

In this section