
An explanation of the levies that you may have on your rates notice can be found below:


Rural Fire Levy

This is applicable to all rateable properties not in urban fire area.


Sewerage Charge

The sewerage charge applies to all properties connected to or have the possibility of connection to the sewage scheme/infrastructure within defined sewered areas.

This means that even though you do not have the property connected to the sewer, the property still receives this charge as the infrastructure is in place should a sewerage connection be required.


Water Access Charge

The water access charge applies to all properties connected to or have the possibility of connection to water scheme/infrastructure within the defined reticulated water areas.

This means that even though there may not be a water meter on the property, the property still receives the charge as it has access to the reticulated town water system.


Water Consumption

Half yearly, in preparation for calculating the rates, council arranges water meter reading to determine water usages. Council charges water consumption per kilolitre as follows:

2024/2025 financial year

Up to 250kl                             Greater than 250kl

$1.86                                       $3.33


Garbage 240 or 140DOM

240 or 140 DOM indicates that the property has a domestic garbage service (this charge covers the general waste and recycling bin (supplied by Cleanaway) and the garbage pick-up service).

The garbage service is not optional and ratepayers cannot request to cancel this service once declared in the waste service area of the Gympie region.


State Government Waste Levy

On 1 July 2019, the Queensland State Government introduced a waste levy, payable only by commercial ratepayers, to encourage the reduction of waste generation and grow the resource recovery and recycling industry. For further information, refer to:

Waste disposal levy | Environment, land and water | Queensland Government (www.qld.gov.au)


Emergency Management Levy

This levy contributes to funding emergency management and fire rescue services. This also includes vehicle entrapment, flood rescue and search and rescues. For further information, refer to: https://www.qfes.qld.gov.au/about/em-levy/Pages/default.aspx

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