Arts and Cultural Strategy, Policies, and Forums

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Gympie Regional Council recognises Arts and Culture as major contributors to building strong and healthy communities, innovation, economic development, public relations, self-expression, cultural identity, and a sense of place. The Arts and Cultural Strategy 2023-2028 is strategic pathway for achieving Council’s vision and priorities for the Gympie region. The Arts and Cultural Strategy 2023-2028  was endorsed by Council on October 25 2023.

To read the Arts and Cultural Strategy please click here.

To read the Executive Summary of the Consultation Report please click here.

Arts and Cultural Forum 

The Gympie Region Arts and Cultural Forums are an important part of addressing the need for networking and communication across the sector and a great chance to share your news and views. Watch this space for the next Gympie Region Arts and Cultural Forum!

Arts and Cultural Strategy 2023-2028

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  • Priorities

    • 1.1 Gympie Regional Council undertakes to work with First Nations communities and artists to identify their arts and cultural priorities and opportunities in the region. We acknowledge that much work needs to be done. Through this strategy, we are committed to ongoing partnership and investment in First Nations Arts and Culture that is led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists and community together.
    • 1.2 Support the development of a First Nation’s Cultural Centre in the region.
  • Priorities

    • 2.1 Embed the value of creativity and culture across Council departments to achieve the vison and outcomes of the strategy.
    • 2.2 Recognise and support creative and cultural industries as economic drivers in the prosperity of the region.
    • 2.3 Support creative and cultural careers across the region, increasing opportunities for local artists and creatives to earn, develop and present new work, and progress professionally.
    • 2.4 Facilitate capacity building and professional development for the creative and cultural sector, supporting training and mentoring of the next generation.
    • 2.5 Identify and leverage cultural hubs and facilitate networking, connection, and collaboration.
    • 2.6 Work to broker partnerships within the sector, removing barriers, and improving communication and connection between Council, communities of practice, venues, and community.
    • 2.7 Establish partnerships with the non-arts sector (such as local business, agriculture, sports, tourism, education, environment and health) to broaden the creation and delivery of arts and cultural experiences.
    • 2.8 Leverage opportunities with state and federal counterparts and continue to invest in the Regional Arts Development Fund program with State Government.
    • 2.9 Continue to foster partnerships with the Regional Arts Services Network, University of the Sunshine Coast, TAFE Queensland, and other key institutions and agencies to support our local creative sector.
    • 2.10 Support and work with community cultural and heritage organisations to develop capacity, organisational sustainability, and succession planning, to ensure their continuing contribution to our cultural ecology.
  • Priorities

    • 3.1 Develop and support arts and cultural programs that encourage access and inclusion for all people, actively addressing barriers preventing engagement in arts and cultural activities.
    • 3.2 Co-design programs with the community to develop ongoing resilience and recovery in relation to disaster events.
    • 3.3 Explore alternative modes of cultural delivery and engagement through digital and online arts and cultural activities.
    • 3.4 Host arts and cultural programs, connecting the community to high quality professional arts experiences from within and outside the region.
    • 3.5 Engage and mentor young people to develop relevant arts and cultural actions that encourage participation, creativity, and career and personal development.
    • 3.6 Enhance and extend communication and marketing channels and leverage community and cultural hubs to promote the region's arts and cultural experiences to increase engagement with new audiences within and outside the region.
  • Priorities

    • 4.1 Continue to invest in cultural facilities including the Gympie Regional Gallery, Gympie Regional libraries, The Pavilion Conference and Reception Centre, the Gympie Civic Centre, other Council performance venues, halls and museums, to provide local community users, visiting professional companies and commercial hirers with access to appropriately resourced, managed, and maintained cultural venues.
    • 4.2 Review the Gympie Cultural Precinct Master Plan and explore funding to deliver a best practice Gympie Library.
    • 4.3 Identify, develop, and activate public places and spaces with arts and cultural activity to entice the community and visitors to enjoy our region (including unique or non-traditional arts spaces like recreation parks, car parks, bus stops).
    • 4.4 Lead the development of permanent and ephemeral public art projects and support community-led public art projects, leveraging opportunities with regional infrastructure projects as sites and funders for public art.
    • 4.5 Support and build capacity of Community Hall Management Committees to program and promote the use of local community halls and broker partnerships with the creative and cultural sector.
    • 4.6 Support cultural tourism through investment in our cultural infrastructure and events.
    • 4.7 Consider existing and future arts and cultural facilities in the planning of town/precinct capital works plans, streetscape plans and development plans across the region.
  • Priorities

    • 5.1 Provide opportunities and support for First Nations people to celebrate their identity and custodianship of the land, water and sky and their fundamental role in the living history of the region.
    • 5.2 Support the discovery, exploration, and celebration of our diverse identities through arts and cultural activities, fostering inclusion and connection, and generating community pride in the region.
    • 5.3 Recognise and celebrate the cultural diversity of our community.
    • 5.4 Support community-based groups, heritage associations and museums to preserve and share our local history and deliver high quality public experiences that engage the community and visitors in appreciating our regional identity.
    • 5.5 Celebrate and showcase the unique natural, built, and cultural identities of our region through a broad range of arts and cultural activities.
  • The Gympie Region Arts and Cultural Strategy 2023-2028 was developed in the context of three existing Gympie Regional Council documents:

    • the Arts and Cultural Plan 2015-2025,;
    • the formal review of Arts and Cultural Plan 2015 -2025 carried out in 2020;
    • the Gympie Regional Council Corporate Plan 2022 – 2027, which identified the finalisation and implementation of a new  Arts and Cultural Plan as a strategic pathway for achieving Council’s vision and priorities.

    The Draft Arts and Cultural Strategy 2023-2028 was subsequently developed by council’s Arts, Community and Culture team, in consultation with internal stakeholders. Collaboration was recognized as essential to both defining and achieving the vision and outcomes outlined in the strategy and community consultation on the Draft Arts and Cultural Strategy 2023-2028 was launched on 14 June and closed on 30 July 2023.

    Various methods of engagement were offered to ensure broad and representative participation in the consultation process. The quality and depth of feedback from community members, stakeholders, and workers in the arts and cultural sector has provided Council with vital information with which to refine and tailor the strategy to the community and the sector’s needs.

    To read about the results from the community consultation process please read the executive summary report.

    Following public consultation, officers amended and refined the strategy based on community. feedback. Changes included a new and more dynamic cultural vision, rewording of the outcomes, and a number of new and rewritten priorities. The penultimate draft was presented to Council Workshop on 11 October 2023., and the final draft of the strategy was endorsed by Council on 25 October 2023. The Strategy was officially launched on Friday 10 November 2023.

    Gympie Regional Council would like to thank all participants for helping to shape the direction and priorities for Arts and Culture in the Gympie Region for the next 5 years.

More Information

For more information contact the Arts and Cultural Development Officer by phoning Council on 1300 307 800 or emailing

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